Areas of Practice

What do we do?

Hooper & Mill Family Lawyers Brisbane offers expert services, advice and advocacy in all aspects of family law.

Family law encompasses the law governing family and domestic relationships; including Divorce, issues arising from relationship breakdown, financial issues on separation, financial protection during cohabitation or in contemplation of marriage, surrogacy, separated co-parenting arrangements and child custody and protection from family violence.

The family law applies to married or de facto couples, including same sex couples.

Family law is a dynamic area of practice, constantly evolving and changing to meet the needs of the society it serves. However, the dynamic nature of family law has also led to complexity which underscores the importance of ensuring you have the best family lawyer in Brisbane on your side.

Our service to you is holistic, and resolution focused. We understand the importance of providing practical and accurate advice, tailored to your needs and budget, with an emphasis on preserving family relationships moving forward to the greatest extent possible.

Call Hooper & Mill Family Lawyers today to enquire how we may best be of service to you.

Family Law Advice Initial Consultation

The attendance will go for as long as we need to properly advise you with respect to each area of family…

Divorce Qld

The Family Law Act 1975 (“the Act”) removed the old grounds for divorce in Brisbane and replaced…

Divorce & Common Law Property Settlement

One of the biggest issues for separating people is how will they distribute their assets, liabilities…

Child Custody & Parenting Plan

Applications for orders affecting children, including who children live with (i.e. child custody)…

Common Law Marriage

A de-facto relationship is one where two people are living together as a couple on a genuine domestic…

De Facto and Marriage Separation

While most people would understand immediately what a separation is, whether separation…

Domestic Violence Laws

Have you been the victim of domestic violence from your partner? You may benefit from speaking…

Family Court Forms & Rules

We provide representation and appear on behalf of our clients at all stages of proceedings…

We are here for You

Sometimes good things fall apart, so that better things can Fall Together

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