Since the 2006 Howard Government amendments to the Family Law Act 1975 the idea of equal time or shared care has gained greater prominence. This has occurred as a result of introducing two sections, the effect of which places the concept of equal time or shared care, at the forefront of the Judge’s reasoning.

In addition to these amendments, inaccurate media reporting has in my view contributed to a higher awareness among litigants as to the availability of equal time and shared care, and more application or consent orders for equal time or shared care.

Family Law Act 1975 – 2006 Amendments
There are two sections that primarily serve to promote the idea of equal time and shared care. They are:

1. Section 61DA – this section introduced a rebuttable presumption that equal shared parental responsibility is in the best interests of a child.

Parental responsibility is the responsibility for making long term decisions for a child, not “equal time” or “shared care”.
This may be open ended but the Family Law Act 1975 definition in section 4 provides some examples of these decisions, including education, health, religion and culture, name and location of the child’s residence that would make it significantly more difficult for a parent to spend time.

As stated above, the presumption is rebuttable (by evidence that equal shared parental responsibility is not in the best interests of a child); and won’t apply where there are reasonable grounds to believe a parent (or person living with a parent) has engaged in abuse or family violence.

Where the presumption does apply, a further section is relevant to the question of equal time or shared care. This section is:

2. Section 65DAA – this section provides for a 3 tiered pathway to be considered by the judge in making a parenting order. The steps are:

a. To consider an order for equal time; and if not reasonably practicable or in the best interests of a child;
b. To consider an order for substantial and significant time; and if not reasonably practicable or in the best interests of a child;
c. To consider what order is in the best interests of a child.

Thus the first consideration is for equal time or shared care but consideration to make this order is subject to it being in the child’s best interests (Section 60CC(2) and (3) contains the best interest factors); and for it to be reasonably practicable for such an arrangement to occur.

The requirement for “reasonably practicability” is important and covers both what is physically practicable and emotionally practicable for a child.

Prior to the above amendments there was little in the way of guidance from the court with respect to equal time or shared care because for many people co-parenting in an equal time or shared care arrangement it had been arrived at by agreement (and thus no judicial determination was warranted).

An example however of a decision prior to the amendments which I consider offers comprehensive guidance on the best interests and reasonably practicability of equal time and shared care is Federal Magistrate Ryan (at the time) in T and N [2001] FMCAfam 222. In this decision Her Honour set out the indicia of factors to be examined by a court where a person seeks equal time or shared care as follows:

  • The parties’ capacity to communicate on matters relevant to the child’s welfare.
  • The physical proximity of the two households. Are the homes sufficiently proximate that the child can maintain their friendships in both homes?
  • The prior history of caring for the child. Have the parties demonstrated that they can implement a 50-50 living arrangement without undermining the child’s adjustment?
  • Whether the parties agree or disagree on matters relevant to the child’s day to day life. For example, methods of discipline, attitudes to homework, health and dental care, diet and sleeping pattern.
  • Where they disagree on these matters the likelihood that they would be able to reach a reasonable compromise.
  •  Do they share similar ambitions for the child? For example, religious adherence, cultural identity and extra-curricular activities.
  • Can they address on a continuing basis the practical considerations that arise when a child lives in 2 homes? If the child leaves necessary school work or equipment at the other home will the parents readily rectify the problem?
  •  Whether or not the parties respect the other party as a parent.
  • The child’s wishes and the factors that influence those wishes.
  • Where siblings live.

My view is if you’re considering seeking equal time or shared care, regard should be given to the above in formulating your proposal. Every case is different however and advice from a Brisbane Family Lawyer will assist you to determine what your best case is.

Family law advice

If you have any queries in relation to separation, divorce, de facto relationships, property settlement or child support payments, my firm Hooper Mill Family Lawyers can assist you with practical advice. We are Brisbane Family Lawyers servicing all areas.

In the period leading up to Christmas our office routinely receives enquiries from people about “child custody”, “custody rights”, “family law custody” or “child custody laws”.

While these terms haven’t been used in the family law context since 1995[i], and given we are almost 20 years down the track; they’ve remained in the minds of some people presented with parenting issues.

There’s been a change in terminology in family law due to a shift in the context in which the court examines a parenting dispute.-In approaching the exercise of making a parenting order, the court comes from a perspective that while children have rights; parents have responsibilities.

Terms that suggest ownership or right such as “child custody rights” i.e. my right to child custody, are not relevant to the modern Family Court. Further, parents who think in these terms may be inadvertently doing a disservice to the presentation of their case.

So how should I approach Family Law child custody? And what if I don’t want to go to Court?

Whether or not you want, or need, to go to Court the best outcomes for your children (and most likely for you) will be achieved by “child-focused thinking”.

This means framing your proposal for the separated co-parenting arrangements according to the following types of considerations:

  • Is the proposal “businesslike”? Have you been able to put aside your animosity towards the ex partner when considering the proposal?
  • Has the proposal been considered in terms of what is practical for the children?
  • Is the proposal likely to be enjoyable for them?
  • Does the proposal make concessions as to what benefits they receive in the other household?
  • What are your motivations in making the proposal? i.e. are you looking to advance the children best interests?

Some of the rights children have are to enjoy spending time regularly with both parents, (consistent with what is necessary to keep them safe from harm), have meaningful relationships with both parents and extended family, receive adequate and proper parenting etc.

In my experience not many parents consulting a Brisbane family lawyer would disagree children should not have these rights or that children are “property” such as is suggested by thinking in terms of custody laws.

What about this Christmas – I don’t have parenting orders or a parenting agreement in place?

Some ex partners are difficult (believe me I know).

The best you can do is control what you’re doing. This is an area of law where two wrongs don’t make a right.

Remember you need to be child focused; and you should act “responsibly” for your children. Here are some tips for Christmas holidays negotiations:

  • Try and use email for your communications. While face to face may be best to repair a relationship, not so here. Remember your email may end up annexed to an affidavit so behave in a businesslike and child focused manner when communicating your proposal;
  • As part of being child focused think about your proposal. Cover the above points.
  • Avoid being reactive. He or she may say something stupid, insulting, threatening or abusive. Don’t react – you have it in writing;
  • During the festive season don’t drink text or email. At Christmas many people have a few drinks and emotions are running high with separation and absent children at a family time of year. Again, the focus needs to be the children and not your own pain. Things will work out long terms if you stay calm;
  • Look after yourself. Don’t overdo it and set those resolutions in place for the New Year. I often say to my clients “it’s a marathon not a sprint” which is particularly relevant when dealing with a difficult ex partner.

I hope anyone taking the time to read this has found it helpful and informative. Have a merry Christmas in 2014; and a Happy New Year in 2015.

Peter Hooper – Hooper Mill Family Lawyers


[i] The Family Law Reform Act 1995 (Cth) replaced part VII of the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) (“FLA”) and changed the terminology when dealing with children’s matters from “guardianship”, “custody” and “access” to “specific issues”, “residence” and “contact”.

The Family Law Act 1975 has most recently been amended by the Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006 (Cth) which commenced operation on 1 July 2006. This amending Act changes the terms “residence” and “contact” to become “living with”, “spending time” and “communicating with”.

By Peter Hooper, Brisbane Family Lawyer

Most people are familiar with the idea that when parents separate “non-residential” parents may have to pay child support.

What most people don’t know however is how much child support they may be eligible to receive or liable to pay?

Well…keep reading because I can show you exactly how to work this out for yourself, quickly and easily…

The Child Support system

Child support in Australia is determined by an administrative assessment. For those of you young enough to remember, it started with Bob Hawke announcing in the late 1980’s that “By 1990 no Australian child will live in poverty”.

Effectively the legislation took the responsibility for determining how much child support should be paid away from the courts; and created a formula to be administered by the Child Support Agency (now Department of Human Resources).

Child support calculator – the child support formula

What makes up the child support formula then?

The following sets out how child support is calculated using the basic formula in the legislation:

  1. Each parents taxable income minus a “self-support” amount;
  2. Add both parents incomes together (minus self-support) to arrive at the “combined child support income”;
  3. Divide each parent’s individual child support income by the combined child support income to get an income percentage for each parent
  4. We work out each parent’s care percentage of the child using the care and cost table. The care costs table is set out below.
  5. Then work out each parents cost percentage using the same table, and subtract the cost percentage from the income percentage for each parent to arrive at the child support percentage.
  6. If the result is a positive percentage, child support is payable.
  7. If there is a positive percentage then the Department will work out the costs for each child based on the parents’ combined child support income using the cost of children The costs depend on the age and number of the children and are set out below.
  8. The final amount payable is then calculated by multiplying the positive child support percentage by the costs of the child. This final figure is the child support amount the paying parent needs to transfer to the other parent.

Do you need to be a family law lawyer to work this out?

No you don’t.

All you need to do to estimate the child support you are eligible or liable for is CLICK HERE

The link is to the Department of Human resources child support estimator. The estimator will work out the basic formula for you however there can be circumstances where the basic formula won’t apply and a change of assessment is necessary.


Peter Hooper is an accredited specialist family lawyer in Brisbane.

Peter Hooper accredited family law specialist is a Brisbane Family Lawyer and Director of Hooper Mill Family Lawyers, a family law firm in Brisbane practicing exclusively in Family and Relationship Law.

Most family lawyers in Brisbane, and across the country, time cost. Therefore it stands to reason that if you’re able to assist your lawyer to reduce their time, you will save money on fees.

One of the areas where a lot can be done to assist your lawyer in reducing time is with affidavits required to be filed in family law matters in the Federal Circuit Court of Australia and Family Court of Australia.

What is an affidavit? It is a sworn statement of the evidence you will rely upon at a hearing in family law cases. In most family law matters your evidence in chief, that is the facts supporting your case, is communicated in a affidavit format.

The affidavit is your story told by you and therefore if you know some of the rules about producing an affidavit, and produce a good draft yourself in a Word format, you can help reduce your costs. Here are some tips:

What are the requirements? – The rules for each jurisdiction set out the requirements and are summarised below. You can find the Rules by clicking the links below or by visiting the relevant Court websites:

  • Rule 15.08 Family Law Rules 2004 “FLR” and rule 15.25 Federal Circuit Court Rules 2001 “FCCR” (Div 15.4 FCCR) provide for the use of the printed forms. Again the forms are available in a Word format on the Court Website or on our website via the following link: Hooper Mill Family Lawyers forms.
  • The forms have places for the names of the parties, official court section to be completed and the statement at the end to be completed by the qualified witness i.e. JP/Commissioner for Declarations or solicitor;
  • Rule 15.09 FLR – the affidavit should be:

o      Confined to the facts in dispute relevant to the issues in the case;

o      Confined to admissible evidence;

o      Consecutively numbered paragraphs;

o      Sworn in the presence of the qualified witness;

o      Signed on each page;

o      Filed in court;

o      Any alterations should be initially by person swearing and witness;

o—Use words for the month in a date i.e. 30 May 2014 and figures for

number i.e. $20 for twenty dollars.

o      Annexures – need to be attached and referenced etc.

  • Rule 24.01 FLR the affidavit should:

o      Written legibly – preferably types in a 12 point font;

o      Be on A4 sized paper;

o      Have left and right margins so it can be read when bound but no more than a 2.5cm margin;

o      Be at 1.5cm line spacing.

The affidavit is your story but tell your story in chronological order i.e. start at the beginning and work towards the most recent relevant circumstances.

Don’t be afraid to use headings. Sometimes if the story needs to be broken up over several different topics, heading will allow you to group your topics into relevant areas. Headings can also assist you to organise your thoughts to cover everything you need to, and most importantly make your affidavit easier to read.

Make sure the affidavit is simple, clear and brief. Don’t use 40 words to say what you can in 4.

Affidavits are sworn documents that must be truthful. You may have to include something you think is bad for your case, make an apology, or make a positive acknowledgement of the other party. Being truthful is more important to your case than any other aspect and often more “points” can be scored with the judge by being truthful than contradicting what you perceive to be a fact in favour of the other party.

Complying with the rules will make your affidavit easier for the Judge to read; which means the facts you want the Judge to be aware of will be more easily understood.

Please remember it is not your job to form conclusion that is the Judge’s job. A good affidavit only sets out the “relevant factual matters”. Judges have a lot to consider and generally do not look favourably upon reading large volumes of unnecessary material.

Try and avoid emotive language and adverbs. This type of language tends to try and lead the Judge towards a conclusion. Adverbs are words that tell as more about a verb. For example John “simply” turned and walked away; or John “literally” slammed the door. Statements containing adverbs may lead the Judge to conclude a lack of credit or tendency to exaggerate.

Hopefully you have found this helpful but please note there are many other considerations to putting together a persuasive and effective affidavit. This blog is not intended to cover every circumstance and before filing your material; I recommend that you attend upon an accredited specialist family lawyer in Brisbane for advice.

Separation almost never places anyone in a more favourable economic position.

The effect of separation is usually results in assets needing to be divided or sold, the family is living in and maintaining two households, incomes are now kept separate and so on.

On top of this most people understand that they will need a family lawyer; and that family law services are by their nature expensive.

So what is the answer?

The good news is if you can control your emotions and manage to keep the brakes on your amygdala (the stress and anxiety emotions part of your brain), a lot can be done to reduce the cost of separating.

Here are five tips:

  1. Reconciliation Counselling – To use some clichés, perhaps you don’t need to throw the baby out with the bath water. And prevention is better than cure. There are plenty of good counsellors out there who can assist. If the relationship can be saved that is arguably the best outcome for everyone;
  2. Stay calm – Easier said than done. Separation is an emotional process and people handle things differently. If you are struggling get help from your GP and/or a counsellor ASAP. A lot of people who don’t handle separation well can engage in destructive and self-destructive behaviours which cause breakdowns in communication and can cause the settlement process, or resolution process, to be drawn out and much more expensive;
  3. Get Good Advice – I’ve spent a lot of years working as a family lawyer in Brisbane, doing my law degree, specialist accreditation in family law and my Masters degree in family law. Family Law is not something you can Google and figure out in an afternoon. Before you and your spouse/partner start to negotiate with each other, find out from an expert in family law what the range of outcomes are. That way you have some idea what the parameters of your negotiation should be;
  4. Negotiate with each other in a business-like manner, in writing – You’ve both had advice now you can get down to brass tacks. If you’ve followed point 2 above, communication should be possible and you’ll save a fortune in not needing family lawyers bounce letters back and forth. Here I find email is best because it is in writing (which encourages people to behave) and date stamped. Please note generally settlement discussions are “without prejudice” and section 131 of the Commonwealth Evidence Act 1995 applies. This means generally settlement negotiations cannot be used in evidence in the family law property proceeding. The key here is to limit your “without prejudice” settlement communications to negotiations; and don’t mention other wider issues in the same correspondence. Please note however if the matter doesn’t settle, and reasonable offers have been rejected, after the trial the judge can consider the offers in deciding whether to make a costs order against a party.
  5. Go back to your family law lawyer – After you’ve reached an agreement, the agreement needs to be formally recorded in order to achieve a final resolution. You’ll already know this however because you will have gotten the advice first at step 3 above. The party’s family lawyers will be able to advise you what method of recording the agreement is best for you.

Sometimes when communications break down some help is required. Using your Brisbane family lawyer places a degree of separation between you and your spouse/partner if relations are strained. Mediation is also a very useful process to help people reach an agreement.

Remember, the cost of separation is not always financial. The emotional cost must also be considered and in my experience most people can only really start to heal their emotional side after their family law issues have been resolved.

Peter HooperHooper family Lawyers in Brisbane

After the reality of the separation has set in, most people start thinking about how the future will look, and how they are going to finalise the current chapter of their lives.

Not surprisingly, for the first time ever it dawns on them they should probably speak to a solicitor and specifically a matrimonial lawyer or family lawyer. If you watch a lot of US drama programs the phrase “divorce lawyer” might be on your radar.

Having never been in this situation before, stressed and fearful about the future, and with the internet overflowing with options for lawyers of all shapes and sizes; the next question springing to mind is “which family lawyer should I choose?”

Here are 5 tips that I think might help you weed out the winners from the “wannabes”:

  • Firstly, make sure they know something about family law and the way the family law system operates. This might seem like a given, but take it from an accredited specialist family lawyer in Brisbane who deals with other Brisbane lawyers on a daily basis; there are plenty who dabble in this area without a high level of knowledge. Ideally your solicitor will specialise in family law and be a Law Society accredited family law specialist. Getting poor advice early on can set the stage for a protracted, unhappy and expensive litigation;
  • Secondly, find a lawyer who’s happy to speak to you frankly about costs. You have the right to negotiate the retainer and it is important that budgets are discussed before the work starts. Sometimes commercial considerations will need to shape the decisions you make; and failing to plan ahead can lead to disaster. The worst lawyer is the one who runs up a massive bill, and deserts you half way through a matter when the funds run dry. Your family lawyer should put your best interests ahead of their fees.
  • Thirdly, your family lawyer needs to be level headed and not seek to unnecessarily antagonise your ex-partner. Separation can be high conflict; however often relationship are ongoing, especially where children are involved. Ask your family lawyer about the FLPA “Best Practice Guidelines for Family Lawyers”. If they turn their head like a confused puppy you may be in trouble. Sometimes it becomes necessary to adopt an aggressive approach, however this should only occur after more amicable attempts at resolution have been exhausted; or in response to an ex-partner (or their lawyer) resorting to bully tactics.
  • Fourthly, you and your family law matter are unique and you need to be treated as such. As I heard one of our Judges say in the Federal Circuit Court in Brisbane recently, “…this is not a sausage factory”. People deal with the stress of separation in different ways and your lawyer needs to have the life experience and maturity to understand where you are at. Additionally, the advice you receive must be tailored to your particular circumstances and a case plan developed early on as to how your matter will be managed. The old business adage applies here, “those who fail to plan, plan to fail”. Having a plan also helps manage your budget; and remain focused on the important issues to be negotiated or determined.
  • Fifthly, find a lawyer you like. I’m not kidding, it’s important. You need to be able to trust this person with the most personal aspects of your family life and you need to respect the advice their giving you. If you like your lawyer chances are it’s because your gut is telling you they have your back and they’re trying hard to help you.

Hopefully the above will be helpful in finding the right lawyer for you, and take some of the stress out of separating; and moving forward with your life.

By Peter Hooper – Brisbane lawyer specialising in family law


Contrary to popular belief, most family lawyers I’ve encountered prefer to resolve their matters early, and amicably, as opposed to after a long litigation and destructive trial.

The benefits of an early, amicable resolution are obvious:

  • Move on with your life more swiftly;
  • Spend less of your hard earned money on legal fees;
  • Avoid the emotional cost of a court battle;
  • Protect your children from the emotional trauma of parental conflict; and
  • Preserve a working relationship with your ex-partner that will provide stability for your children, and give them positive role models for their own relationships.

Some people might be tempted to say, “Yes, yes but what can I do, my ex is the problem”.

And this might also be true; however there are approaches to relationship breakdown that can be taken to give yourself the best shot at achieving an amicable separation without rolling over and allowing the ex to tickle your tummy.  

Here is my humble opinion:

  1. Look into your counselling options. First and foremost explore whether your relationship can be fixed, and look at what you can do to improve things. Prevention is always better than cure.
  2. Accept that you can’t change or control your ex-partner, but you do have the ability to control your own situation. This relates to your entire outlook and includes perhaps not drinking so much, getting some exercise and not “mirroring” aggressive behaviour. You can each spend a lot of time focusing on what is wrong with each other; when what you really need to be doing is focusing on yourself.
  3. If the relationship is too broken to fix, be respectful in implementing your exit strategy. Remember you once loved this person and maybe had children with them. If you’re grieving at the loss of your partner or hurt by their conduct, acting out maliciously might provide a short term reward, but in my experience the long term effects are all negative.  Again counselling can be the key to managing the stress of separation.-In writing this I’m reminded of the old Chinese proverb: “He who seeks revenge must first dig two graves.”
  4. Once you have decided or realised that the separation is final, get some advice from an accredited specialist family lawyer. There are two reasons why this is important; firstly, you can’t commence any proper negotiations until you know where you stand, and what the range of outcome or entitlement might be. Secondly, in consulting a family lawyer you will commence the process of managing your post separation communications and relationship;
  5. Obviously when you’re hurting and angry you’re not going to be best friends with your ex. What you should be aiming for is establishing a businesslike approach to your communications. This means focusing on the issues at hand, and not the issues that may have led to the relationship breakdown. Speak to your ex the same way you might speak to someone you don’t know.
  6. Try to engage in a cooperative rather than competitive negotiation. This means rather than arguing for every concession you feel entitled to, try and work out what your motivations and needs are, and try and understand what your ex-partners motivations and needs are.-This is illustrated by the “Orange Story”. The story goes; two sisters fight over an orange. They resolve the fight by agreeing to take half the orange each. One sister uses the rind to make a cake, and throws out the pulp, the other uses the pulp to make juice, and throws out the rind. The story is simplistic but demonstrates that it can be important to understand what underpins the other party’s position;
  7. Be prepared to compromise and narrow the issues. Start your negotiations with the things you can easily agree to, and work towards the more difficult items. If you can tick off some areas of agreement early a positive momentum builds towards resolving all issues.
  8. Factor in the costs of not agreeing. Litigation has a financial and emotional cost.

I tell all my client’s that there is only two ways disputes between parties can be resolved in a civilized society, that is, agreements between the disputing parties or orders from Judges. Following the above will give you the best shot at formulating an early agreement, and avoid setting foot inside a court room.

Peter Hooper is an accredited specialist family lawyer in Brisbane.

The issue often arises during relationship breakdown as to who will remain living at the former matrimonial home; and who will move out. Some people can manage to resolve the impasse amicably while others can agree to remain separated under one roof.

For those who can’t agree the court has power pursuant to the Family Law Act 1975 (“FLA”) to order that one party has sole use and occupation of the former matrimonial home.

The court’s power

The power to make a “sole use and occupancy” order is by way of injunction.

For married couples the relevant section is 114(1) FLA which provides the court may make:

  • “An injunction restraining a party to the marriage from entering or remaining in the matrimonial home or the premises in which the other party to the marriage resides, or restraining a party to the marriage from entering or remaining in a specified area, being an area in which the matrimonial home is, or the premises in which the other party to the marriage resides are, situated”[i];
  • “An injunction relating to the use or occupancy of the matrimonial home”[ii].

For de facto couples there is similar power in section 114(2A) FLA. In a de facto financial cause the court may:

  • “Make such order or grant such injunction as it considers proper with respect to the use or occupancy of a specified residence of the parties to the de facto relationship or either of them; and[iii]
  • “If it makes an order or grants an injunction under paragraph (a)–make such order or grant such injunction as it considers proper with respect to restraining a party to the de facto relationship from entering or remaining in:
    • that residence; or
    • a specified area in which that residence is situated; and[iv]
    • Make such order or grant such injunction as it considers proper with respect to the property of the parties to the de facto relationship or either of them.[v]

Again the test is what the court “considers proper”.

There appears to be a separate power with respect to de facto couples in section 90SS (5) FLA. This section provides:

  • The court may grant an interlocutory injunction; or an injunction in aid of the enforcement of a decree in any case in which it appears to the court to be just or convenient to do so; and grant an injunction either unconditionally or upon such terms and conditions as the court considers appropriate.[vi]

The criterion here is where it appears to the court “just or convenient” as opposed to what the court “considers proper”.[vii]

Another situation which has arisen in the context of de facto matters is jurisdiction to make the injunction on an interim basis when the existence of the de facto relationship is in dispute.

In Locke & Norton [2013] FCCA 1154 the applicant de facto wife sought injunctions, that, inter alia, the respondent be prevented from evicting her from the home pending the final hearing of her de facto property claim.

The respondent denied that there was a de facto relationship and, therefore, disputed the Court’s jurisdiction to make such an order.

The facts were the applicant wife was impecunious while the respondent was a man of means with several properties. The respondent described the applicant as a “kept woman” i.e. boys friend and girlfriend relationship at best.

The court found there was jurisdiction to make the order. The court said at paragraph 29 it was open to the applicant to rely upon the provisions of s 114(2A). At para 30 Judge Scarlett said:

True it is that the very existence of the claimed de facto relationship is in issue, but it would lead in my view to an unjust situation for an applicant in the nature of the applicant in this case if there was no jurisdiction to seek an injunctive order to preserve the status quo until the de facto relationship can be established.

The Test – grant an injunction the court considers “proper”

Leave aside what section 90SS (5) FLA might mean for de facto couples, the test has been examined in a number of cases.

The often cited passage from Davis & Davis was recently referred to again in Saveree & Elenton [2014] FamCA 38 at 16 as the correct approach:

The criteria for the exercise of the power under sec. 114(1) are simply that the court may make such order as it thinks proper. The matters which should be considered include the means and needs of the parties, the needs of the children, hardship to either party or to the children and, where relevant, conduct of one party which may justify the other party in leaving the home or in asking for the expulsion from the home of the first party[viii].

The court in Saveree & Elenton also referred to authority that the criteria listed in Davis & Davis are not exhaustive and each case must ultimately be determined on its facts.[ix]

Practical considerations

Generally these type of injunctions are sought on an interim basis so the usual limitations of an abridged hearing apply. Saveree & Elenton is a good example of the sort of evidence that satisfied Justice Stevenson with respect to the injunction being “proper”. In this case:

  • Allegations of non-physical family violence and abuse were made. The husband was very verbally aggressive, abusive and damaged furniture etc over a 5 year period escalating. The husband admitted to quite a bit of the-behaviour i.e. the family violence was largely not a contested fact;
  • There was strong evidence of the negative effect of the conflict on the children who were sitting exams. Reports were made to school counsellors who provided evidence of their significant concerns and negative impact on the children. Again, this evidence was not largely in dispute;
  • There was hardship to the wife in terms of finding alternate accommodation; and that she operated a business from home seeing 8 clients per week, and she worked at schools in the area – This was another non contentious fact;
  • The husband’s financial circumstances indicated he would be able to find alternate accommodation. The court acknowledged he would experience hardship but he had secure employment and liquid funds (savings of $45,000). In his financial statement the husband claimed weekly credit card expenses of $700 but only about $1,600 was owing on 2 cards;
  • There was no realistic prospect of the children living with the husband at the matrimonial home i.e. 3 moves or 1 move.

The court placed significant weight on the ill effects the children were experiencing from the violence/conflict in weighing up all the factor including the seriousness of an order excluding a person form their property.[x]

The decision can be contrasted with several recent decisions where the injunction was not granted.

In Kanelos & Kanelos [2014] FamCA 36 (4 February 2014) the parties each gave conflicting accounts of family violence, each alleging the other was the aggressor with no independent corroboration. This matter was also before Justice Stevenson.

In declining to make the order Her Honour said at 43:

have no reason at all to prefer one parties’ version of these events to that of the other. I would observe that, if the wife has genuine fears for her safety or security, nothing whatsoever prevents her from seeking an apprehended violence order against the husband pursuant to State legislation.

Another situation where the order was not made is Kimberley [2011] FamCA 406 (7 June 2011) were both parties sought sole occupancy of the matrimonial home.

Watts J said at paragraphs 39 to 43:

An order for exclusive occupation is made pursuant to s 114(1) (f) FLA. In doing so, I may make an order which I consider ‘proper’. Orders giving exclusive use or occupation of a matrimonial home are only made with caution. It is a serious matter to turn a spouse out of their home. The onus is on the mother to establish a case for exclusion of the father.

The decision in respect of exclusive occupation is not merely something that is decided on a balance of convenience. The consideration of convenience is only one element of getting to a decision as to what order might be proper in the circumstances of an individual case.

Matters which I need to consider include the means and needs of the parties; the needs of the children; the hardship to either party or to the children; and if relevant, conduct of the parties (see Davis & Davis (1976) FLC 90-062). These considerations are not meant to be exhaustive. Part of the considerations in relation to needs is the question as to whether or not the mother in this case can be adequately housed elsewhere and whether there are financial resources to allow her to be housed independently. Balance of convenience is a matter that I would need to take into account.

As Wood J observed in Dean & Dean (1977) FLC 90-213, in cases of intense matrimonial disharmony, frequently coupled with assaults by one party to the other, and often occasioning distress to the children, the court needs very little persuasion to take the view that the balance of convenience requires that the mother have sole occupancy of the matrimonial home with the children. As that case showed however, each case needs to be looked at on its own facts.

At paragraph 61 His Honour said:

I do not find it is proper to remove the father from the matrimonial home, although it might be more convenient for the mother for that to happen.

Care needs to be taken in bringing these applications to ensure that sufficient evidence is available in the context of the interim hearing for the order to be made.

In relation to an injunction pursuant to section 90SS(5) FLA in a de facto matter, based on the comments made by Justice Watts in Kimberley, my view is a decision with respect to what is “convenient” may be easier to obtain than one with respect to what is “proper”; although the seriousness of any order placing a significant restriction of a proprietary right can’t be ignored.


[i] Family Law Act 1975 section 114(1)(b);

[ii] Family Law Act 1975 section 114(1)(f);

[iii] Family Law Act 1975 section 114(2A)(a);

[iv] Family Law Act 1975 section 114(2A)(b);

[v] Family Law Act 1975 section 114(2A)(c);

[vi] Family Law Act 1975 section 90SS(5)(a) and (b);

[vii] With respect to the “considers proper” test the court in Kimberley [2011] FamCA 406 said “the decision in respect of exclusive use and occupation is not merely something that is decided on the balance of convenience. The consideration of convenience is only one element of getting to a decision as to what order might be proper in the circumstances of an individual case.” Section 90SS(5) seems to say “convenience” need be the only criteria required for an injunction to be made;

[viii] Davis & Davis (1976) FLC 90-062 the Full Court (Evatt CJ, Pawley & Ellis JJ) said (at page 75,309);

[ix] Fedele & Fedele (1986) FLC 91-744  (Fogarty, Murray and Nygh JJ);

[x] The court referred to comments by Murray in O’Dea & O’Dea (1980) FLC 90-896.

Lovett & Xavier and Anor [2014] FamCA 49


The wife commenced an application in a case seeking the sum of $100,000 for, inter alia, her ongoing legal fees.

The relationship was about 16 year’s duration with the parties having been married in 1998, separating briefly in 2009; with final separation occurring in 2012.

The parties had an 11 year old daughter with whom they shared time equally between households.

In the substantive proceedings the wife joined the husband’s brother (who was also the husband’s business partner) as the second respondent alleging the husband had engaged in transactions designed to divest the matrimonial pool of property in 2009, in the context of the first separation. The wife applied for final orders to reverse the dispositions pursuant to section 106B Family Law Act 1975 (“FLA”).

At the interim hearing it was not controversial that the property available for distribution was at least $1,180,081.37 on the husband’s case; and the husband made a concession in affidavit material that the wife would receive an overall adjustment in a range between 50% and 55%.


The wife’s application was that the $100,000 be paid either by way of an interim costs order pursuant to section 117 FLA; or as an interim property settlement pursuant to section 79 FLA and section 80(1) (h) FLA.

The wife’s counsel also referred to spousal maintenance as being a potential source of power but this was not pursued.[i]

In any event, the wife’s position was regardless of the source of power, having regard to Zschokke (1996) FLC 92-693 and Strahan (Interim Property Orders) 2011 FLC 93-466 the relevant considerations in ordering a payment with respect to legal costs were the same. That is:

  1. The respondent being in a relative position of strength;
  2. Respondent’s capacity to meet their own costs; and
  3. Applicant’s inability to meet their own costs.

A further submission was made with respect to complexity of the litigation being a factor, but not a precondition, for making an order under any of the possible heads of power (Zschokke).

The husband did not take issue with the legal principles raised by the wife but argued that any payment ordered ought to be characterised as a part property settlement under section 79 and section 80(1)(h) FLA. The husband also referred to Gabel v Yardley (2008) FLC 93-386 as authority for the proposition that any interim property order must be capable of reversal without report to section 79A FLA or appeal.


With respect to the power being exercised pursuant to section 117 FLA the court made a number of points at 49 to 55:

  • The general (and primary) proposition in section 117 FLA is that each party bears their own costs;
  • However, section 117(2A) FLA allows the court to make an order for costs (including an interim order) if the circumstances justify to do so, as the court considers just;
  • Section 117(2A) mandates the factors which the court must consider which justify an order with the weight attached to each factor wholly discretionary;
  • If the litigation funding is ordered pursuant to section 117 then some form of assessment of the amount required should be made.

In relation to the last point the court referred to Paris King Investments Pty Ltd v Rayhill [2006] NSWSC 578 where it was said funds for litigation expenses ought to be applied for that purpose only, and the court might require records to be maintained to permit review.

Justice Thornton determined that having regard to the submissions by both parties, it was appropriate and in the interests of justice to exercise the power under section 79 FLA.

At 77 Her Honour said:

“I accept the submissions on behalf of the husband in respect of the issues he raised surrounding s 117 of the Act. This is largely because one of the issues in the substantive proceedings will be whether the husband has divested himself of property in favour of his brother and if so, whether any transactions should be reversed under s 106B of the Act by way of a final order. It will not be possible until the conclusion of the substantive hearing to make any findings about the conduct of the parties which might have implications as to costs under s 117. I cannot identify matters in isolation or cumulatively which would justify an order for costs against the husband. It would be inappropriate for this reason to characterise any payment to the wife at this stage of the proceedings as a payment for costs under s 117.

With respect to interim property order pursuant to section 79 the court referred to the 2 steps from Strahan, that is, the procedural or “adjectival” step; and then the substantive step.

The first step requires the court to identify the circumstances that make it appropriate to consider using the power. Here it was satisfied because of the complexity of the litigation, the wife’s expectation that she would receive at least $100,000 at the final hearing was conceded, the funds being sought for costs were not at an unreasonable level, and the purpose for which the wife required the funds was well set out.

The court considered the substantive step taking into account post Stanford and Bevan considerations.

In finding that the proposed interim settlement was just and equitable within the meaning of section 79(2) the court had regard to the relatively long marriage, it was common ground the pool was at least $1,180,081.37 on the husband’s case, the husband conceded the wife will ultimately be entitled to 50% to 55% of the net pool, and the court was satisfied the interim property settlement of $100,000 sought by the wife was capable of being adjusted and taken into account at the final alternation of property interests without resort to section 79A.



[i] Another potential source of power is injunction section 114  – Poletti and Poletti (Unreported, Family Court of Australia, Nygh J, 2 March 1990); Zschokke and Zschokke (1996) FLC 92-693; Strahan & Strahan (Interim Property Orders) [2009] FamCA 116 at 84. 

Misattributed paternity (sometimes referred to as paternity fraud) is the situation when the person who is thought to be the child’s father, is not the child’s biological father.

Estimates as to the incidences of misattributed paternity vary from country to country however the rate commonly quoted is at about 10%.[i] In Australia, the rate of misattributed paternity in contested case is said to be about 20%.[ii]

A common circumstance where the fact of paternity is an issue is with respect to an application for child support. Obviously the issue can arise in other matters (such as with respect to a parenting matter – aka “child custody”) however combining the emotional aspects of the infidelity, loss of a child and past/ongoing financial obligations, it is submitted these matters have an emotional depth beyond what family lawyers may generally encounter.

In the author’s experience family lawyers like to steer clear of emotional issues where possible and I am no exception. What follows is a brief summary of the law with respect to the interaction between paternity, child support laws, parentage testing and recovery of child support paid.

When is someone a father?

The Family Law Act 1975 (“FLA”) provides for a number of presumptions with respect to identifying who is the father of a child. These presumptions arise from:

  • Marriage[iii]
  • Cohabitation[iv]
  • Registration of birth[v]
  • Findings of courts[vi]
  • Acknowledgments of parentage[vii]

Section 69U provides these presumptions are rebuttable by proof on the balance of probabilities.

Other provisions of Commonwealth legislation identify who is a parent of a child born through artificial conception, surrogacy arrangements or adoption (in the family law context) but these will not be examined here.

Issue of paternity

If paternity is an issue in the proceeding, a declaration of parentage can be sought pursuant to section 69VA FLA which is conclusive evidence of parentage for the purposes of all laws of the Commonwealth.

Provisions which assist with obtaining the necessary evidence are contained within Part VII, Division 12, Subdivision E (and include orders for parentage testing – section 69W FLA).

Who is a liable parent for child support purposes and when is child support payable?

Section 3 of the Child Support Assessment Act 1989 (CSAA) provides parents have a primary duty to maintain their children.

Section 29 CSAA sets out who is a parent and is in many respects not dissimilar to the presumptions referred to in the FLA.

A number of other sections identify who may apply and who is liable to pay child support. In summary, child support liability arises when:

  • There is an eligible child;[viii]
  • An application is made by a parent[ix] or eligible carer;[x]
  • The parents are not living together on a genuine domestic basis[xi]
  • The liable parent[xii] is living in Australia or in a reciprocating jurisdiction[xiii]

If the above conditions are met, and the child support Registrar is satisfied the application is made in accordance with the manner specified in section 150A CSAA, child support will be payable by the liable parent.

What recourse is there when an assessment of child support is made and paternity is in dispute?

There are a number of provisions of the CSAA that can assist in the event the liable parent does not believe they are the father of the child; and the eligible parent is not willing to assist.

A person aggrieved may bring an application in a court having jurisdiction under the CSAA and FLA. The most appropriate court is the Federal Circuit Court.

Final orders sought in the application

Section 107 CSAA allows a person to apply for a declaration that they “should not be assessed in respect of the costs of the child because the person is not a parent of the child”. To grant the declaration the court needs to be satisfied the person is not a parent.

Final orders for recovery of amounts paid where no liability exists can also be made pursuant to section 143 CSAA.

The nature of the relief is a final order and the application should be supported by an affidavit setting out the facts relied upon and a financial statement.

Importantly, a time limit applies to applications for declarations under section 107 CSAA that they be made “within the time prescribed by the applicable Rules of Court or within such further time as is allowed under the applicable Rules of Court.”[xiv]

The applicable rules of the Federal Circuit Court are Rule 25A.06 Federal Circuit Court Rules 2001 court which state:

“A person must file an application for a declaration under subsection 106A(2) or 107(1) of the Assessment Act within 56 days of the service on the applicant of a notice given under section 33 or 34 of that Act.”

Thus the time limit is within 56 days from service of the notice of the Registrar’s decision.

If the application is out of time, leave can be sought to proceed. Section 107 provides the application can be brought “within such further time as is allowed under the applicable Rules of Court.”

Rule 1.06 Federal Circuit Court Rules 2001 allows the court to dispense with compliance with the Rules in the “interests of justice” and; pursuant to Rule 3.05 the court may extend or shorten time fixed by the Rules.

The case law indicates that a satisfactory explanation for the delay will usually be sufficient[xv].

In Levine & Levine [2011] FMCAfam 821 the application was brought out of time when the child was 14. The evidence was that the mother made comments regarding paternity from the time the child was 4 years and the “father” had caught her in a compromising position with a neighbour 7 years before the child was born. The “father” became increasingly suspicious until he conducted his own DNA test without the mother or child’s knowledge. He first sought to deal with the matter without litigation before bringing his application within a year.

The court allowed the application to proceed and referred to similar facts described in DRP & AJL [2004] FMCAfam 440 at 17:

“There was nothing, of which the applicant was aware, which would have led him to have any doubt as to the paternity of the child. It is not appropriate to suggest that the applicant ought to have taken any active steps to inquire of the mother as to the paternity of the child when the child was conceived in a matrimonial relationship where there was no suggestion of infidelity. Indeed, to make such enquiries would be offensive and destructive to the relationship that most married spouses enjoy. There is no conduct of the applicant, with respect to these issues, that should be the subject of criticism.”

Recovery of child support payments

If the court grants the declaration pursuant to section 107 CSAA, then the court may consider the recovery of any child support paid.

The relevant considerations for recovery pursuant to section 143 CSAA were examined in detail in DRP & AJL.

Section 143 CSAA requires that the order be “just and equitable for the purposes of adjusting, or giving effect to, the rights of the parties and of the child concerned”. In examining a range of decisions at 25 to 26 Riethmuller FM held:

The term `just and equitable’ cannot be interpreted to simply mean `unfettered individual opinion’ as this would not provide a sufficiently certain definition to allow for the discretion to be an exercise of judicial power: Cominos v Cominos [1972] HCA 54; (1972) 127 C.L.R. 588. As a result, the process of considering the issues arising under section 143 must be approached judicially, and the factors relevant to the exercise of the discretion in the particular case identified and applied….In determining the relevant factors under section 143 the features of the child support scheme and general law that relate to these issues should be considered to place section 143 in its broader context.

In discussing the “broader context” His Honour went on to examine the circumstances in which adoption or artificial conception procedures may give rise to liability under the CSAA, section 29 CSAA when the Registrar will presume paternity, maintenance liabilities of step parents pursuant to the FLA.[xvi] His Honour made the fair point it would not be just and equitable to require money to be repaid where a step parent liability may arise under the FLA.

There are a number of factors set out in section 143(3) CSAA that apply to the court ordering money paid to be refund after a declaration is made under section 107 CSAA. With respect to these factors, His Honour noted prima facie the applicant had an entitlement to a refund and the list of factors at section 143(3) CSAA we not limited.[xvii]

In most cases however the following factors will generally be relevant:

  • The state of knowledge and conduct of the parties. It will be necessary to determine the state of knowledge of the payer at all relevant times (time of birth, during the relationship, at separation, and thereafter). The court will also consider whether a reasonable person would doubt being the father and any acquiescence or delay;
  • The relationship of the payer with the child. Of particular relevance must be the extent to which the payer has taken on the role of a parent and provider for the child.
  • Evidence as to the circumstances of the biological father. The biological father’s relationship with the child and capacity to provide support.
  • The financial circumstances of the parties. This will be particularly important when the repayment will place a burden upon the mother that will cause a significant detriment to the standard of living of the child. In many cases it will also be relevant that the mother has received an adjustment in her favour pursuant to section 75(2) FLA in the property settlement on the basis that the child is a biological child of the payer.

Interim orders/directions sought

There are a number of interim orders and directions that can be made prior to the final declaration. These are important with respect to the evidence necessary to obtain the declaration and protect the financial position of the applicant.

Interim orders/direction that can be sought are:

  • A stay of payments of child support;
  • That necessary “DNA” parentage testing is performed.

Stay of child support payments

The power to order a stay is contained within section 111C Child Support (Registration and Collection) Act 1988 (“CSRCA”). Section 111C(3) provides, “The court may make such orders as the court considers appropriate staying … if the court considers that it is desirable to do so, taking into account the interests of the persons who may be affected by the outcome of the proceeding.”

In Ahern & Ahern & Anor (SSAT Appeal) [2012] FMCAfam 1299 (23 November 2012) the court said at 22 to 25:

In order to show an arguable case, a party does not need to demonstrate that he or she has a strong case, let alone one that is bound to succeed…Whilst the claim does not appear to be overwhelmingly persuasive; it is far from a hopeless case. Thus, I am satisfied that the Applicant has shown that he has an arguable case, a serious question to be tried on appeal.

The court went on to consider any hardship from the point of view of both parties.

In Penman & Child Support Registrar & Anor (No3) [2013] FCCA 1124 (13 August 2013) the court at 15 set out in detail what should be taken into account in deciding whether to grant a stay:

  • “The onus to establish a proper basis for the stay is on the applicant for the stay. However it is not necessary for the applicant to demonstrate any “special” or “exceptional” circumstances;
  • A person who has obtained a judgment is entitled to the benefit of that judgment;
  • A person who has obtained a judgment is entitled to presume the judgment is correct;
  • The mere filing of an appeal is insufficient to grant a stay;
  • The bona fides of the applicant;
  • A stay may be granted on terms that are fair to all parties – this may involve a court weighing the balance of convenience and the competing rights of the parties;
  • A weighing of the risk that an appeal may be rendered nugatory if a stay is not granted – this will be a substantial factor in determining whether it will be appropriate to grant a stay;
  • Some preliminary assessment of the strength of the proposed appeal – whether the appellant has an arguable case;
  • The period of time in which the appeal can be heard and whether existing satisfactory arrangements may support the granting of the stay for a short period of time.”

“DNA” parentage testing

If parentage is an issue in the proceeding the court can order that parentage testing be performed (i.e. DNA testing).

The necessity for there to be “an issue” was recently examined again in the decision of Whitley & Ingham [2013] FCCA 869(22 July 2013). In this case the court did not allow parentage testing to establish whether a deceased man could be added to a child’s birth certificate, and the man’s death certificate, affirming that parentage testing is not a “free standing power.”

Section 69W FLA provides that the court, a party or an ICL may apply for a parentage testing order. The people who can be tested are the child, the person known to be the mother or “any other person, if the court is of the opinion that…the information that could be obtained might assist in determining the parentage of the child.”

To obtain an order for parentage testing a threshold was applied in TNL & CYT (2005) FamCA 77 applied in F & Z [2005] FMCAfam 394 at 58 and described as two hurdles. Firstly, parentage must be relevant to the nature of the proceedings and secondly, there must be evidence that places parentage in doubt.

With respect to the second “hurdle”, the Full Court in TNL & CYT approved earlier decisions that the applicant must have an “honest, bona fide and reasonable belief as to the doubt.”

The court in F & Z went on to describe the parentage presumptions contained within the FLA as the default position. Where an applicant with an honest, bona fide and reasonable doubt leads even relatively weak evidence to rebut the presumption, the order for testing should be granted.

In Tryon & Clutterbuck [2007] FamCA 580 (4 May 2007) it was confirmed an order pursuant to section 69W is a parenting order and as such the best interests of the child is the paramount consideration[xviii]and the matters in section 60CC in so far as they are relevant should be considered.

In circumstances where a person refuses to submit to a parentage test, the court may draw an inference from the failure to comply.

In Levine the mother failed to comply with an order for testing and the court drawing an inference from her failure, combined with the earlier test conducted by the father, made a finding the applicant was not the father.

In Nandi & Listberg [2013] FamCA 419 (6 June 2013) the father refused to comply with an order for testing and a parentage presumption was therefore not rebutted.


If you are preparing an affidavit for this type of application, in my opinion the following checklist should be applied:

  • Set out the back ground facts and any evidence that raises doubt as to paternity;
  • If doubt as to paternity is in the mind of the applicant, set out any facts leading to the “honest, bona fide and reasonable belief as to the doubt.”
  •  If there is any delay in bringing the application, explain why the delay has occurred;
  • If a stay is sought, greater detail with respect to the 3 points above will assist in establishing an arguable case. Also, ensure the financial statement is completed in detail with documentary evidence where available to establish any “hardship”. Address what the other party may say with respect to hardship in the affidavit;
  • Do some research as to who is available to provide appropriate testing and have a panel with estimated costs set out in the affidavit;
  • In anticipation of the application being successful, and recovery of child support is sought, set out evidence in relation to state of knowledge and conduct of the parties, the circumstances of the applicant’s relationship with the child (whether there will be future contact, is the biological father known and likely to provide support, the financial circumstances of the parties and in particular the mother’s capacity to repay;
  • Be mindful to include any justice and equity circumstances why the funds should be repaid considering any other factors present.

As stated above, there is no doubt these types of matters can be some of the most heart wrenching that litigants and children can be involved in.

As well as good family law advice, an open mind can also be important for litigants.

In Levine the putative father rejected the child after the parentage test. The court noted at 77 to 79 in the context of examining the relationship between the applicant and child under section 143 CSAA:

The evidence suggests that this child is still unaware that the Applicant is not his father. For him, this has been an unfortunate situation not of his own making. In January 2009, the parties separated and the person whom the child thought was his father moved out of the matrimonial home. Less than a year and a half later, the child’s father figure no longer has anything to do with him. Effectively, he is now without a father, through no fault of his own.

From the child’s point of view, his father (as he thought) has rejected him, for no apparent reason. The Applicant’s desire to find out the truth about the child’s paternity will result in a financial benefit to him, at the expense of “collateral damage” to the child.

One might well ask why, if [X] does not know about the result of the paternity test, the Applicant should not continue to give this child the benefit of his time, support and encouragement. An adult can still have a loving, nurturing relationship with a child even if the adult is not the child’s biological parent. Australian society is full of people who have loving relationships with their step-children or adopted children.


[i] Rincon P (11 February 2009). “Study debunks illegitimacy ‘myth'”

[ii] Gilding, Michael (26 July 2011). “The fatherhood myth: Michael Gilding unravels the uncertain data about mistaken paternity”

[iii] Section 69P FLA

[iv] Section 69Q FLA

[v] Section 69R FLA

[vi] Section 69S FLA

[vii] Section 69T FLA

[viii] Sections 19,20,21 and 22 CSAA

[ix] Section 25 CSAA

[x] Section 25A CSAA

[xi] Section 25(b) CSAA

[xii] Section 5 liable parent is, “in the case of an administrative assessment–a parent by whom child support is payable for the child under the administrative assessment.”

[xiii] Section 29A CSAA

[xiv] Section 107(2)

[xv] See Levine & Levine [2011] FMCAfam 821

[xvi] Section 66M, 66N and 66D(2) FLA

[xvii] DRP & AJL [2004] FMCAfam 440 at 65 and 66

[xviii] Section 60CA FLA


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